How do people make it through life without a sister? ~Sara Corpening
I never had a sister and always wished I did. I love my brother, don't get me wrong, but would life have been different with a sister? I'll never know, but I do know that all four of my children will have both a sister and brother. It may not be to them right now, but to me, I think it's the greatest gift I could give to any of my children.
This is their "childhood", and things may not seem as beautiful or lucky to them now. At this point, Princess is crying when Smilee steals away a favorite baby doll, and Smilee upset when she can't escape out of her bedroom in the morning like her big sister due to the bars that hold her in on her crib.
In five years, they will be arguing about best friends and when one has one to play with and the other doesn't. In ten years, it may be makeup, clothes and who is more "popular" or prettier. Fifteen years from now, the disagreements and fights will probably be over boys.
However, I hope in 20 years and beyond, their bond will be as tight as one could be. They security they will feel just knowing the other is there. They will always have each other. To cry, laugh, learn, gossip, shop and just be there for each other. There will hopefully be no one on earth who knows the other one better. Best friends is my wish for them. That would be the greatest gift they could give me.