from having one too many the night before last. A friend came over to "scrapbook" while I worked on being "creative" and I decided the creativity may flow a little better if I were more relaxed. So, I had a couple few beers. They didn't make me any more creative, but they did cause me to fall asleep 2 hours earlier than I noramlly would, in addition to lounging on the couch all day yesterday. What a waste! I am having trouble coming to grips with the fact that the older I get, the less I can drink and the longer my hangovers last (or even having hangovers at all, I never had hangovers in my 20's ... aaahhhh "the days").
Anyway, I've decided my can coozie say's it all.
This is how I feel while I'm enjoying my drinks:
And, this is how I feel afterwards:
Now ... back to trying to be creative ...