I can not take total credit for this tip. Green3 mentioned it in one of her posts (Thanks Green3) and I checked it out on her recommendation. It was much better than I had anticipated. Personally, I think anyone with kids and/or lots of activities, who spends time on their computer everyday, will benefit from this free software.
Cozi, this awesome family organization software, only took about 10 minutes to download and 10 minutes to set up. There are 3 sections of this progam:
1. A calendar in which you can assign each family member a different color. You can sort your calendar by family member, as well as by date. Appointments are easy to add and edit if needed. You can view your calendar many different ways (daily, weekly, etc ...) and print it any way you view it.
2. A grocery list. You can print this list with a touch of a button OR you can call an 800 number to access your grocery list if you're at the store and don't have it with you
3. An easy and quick way to send a message to any of your family members via email or mobile phone text message.
All 3 sections can be viewed on the homepage. Not to mention you can access your entire organizer via any computer, anywhere, anytime. I have also set up my husband's laptop to display our "family calendar" on his homepage, so when he signs on it will be right in front of him to view before he begins work. Saves me a lot of "reminder calls".
The organization software is very simple, to the point, and beneficial. Having 4 kids in 4 different sports and a husband that coaches 2 of them ... we have practices, games and meetings ... not to mention school activities, doctor appointments, deadlines, etc ... that can be viewed every day when I turn on my computer. I'm surely not going to miss a thing from now on, not to mention fumbling around all of our sports sheets to find out who plays where and on what field at what time ... it's all right in front of me. I don't think I'll know what to do with myself. LOL!
Another great thing about this software is that when I walk away from my computer for a few minutes, when I return there is a photo collage screensaver show that I always end up watching for a few minutes before working again. I love looking at the photos I've taken and uploaded to my computer but never seem to scroll through on my own.
The Cozi website states that for every person who signs up for the Cozi software, they'll donate $1 to Locks of Love. :) That's reason in and of itself to check it out.
Works for me US ... hope it works for all of you too! For more great tips, check out Rocks In My Dryer.