it freezes. Yup, on Saturday afternoon there was over an inch of ice that covered everything in sight. It was actually an amazing sight, for about 2 minutes, then it was nothing but a huge annoyance. The satellite dish went out. The Internet went down. The deck and sidewalks were covered making it very difficult for our doggie to go outside to go potty without the risk of falling and breaking her hip. Tree branches fell covering yards all over the neighborhood. Over 2,500 utility poles in town snapped and miles upon miles of electrical wire was down causing over 150,000 homes and businesses to be without power. And this morning, that is still the case for many of them.
We were lucky. Our lights flickered several times, but we never lost our electricity. Thank God for small favors. I woke yesterday with the flu (I am assuming it's the flu). The aches in my neck and back are almost too much to withstand. Cozied up in my bed was where you could find me pretty much the entire day yesterday.
This morning, hubby had to go to work, and I'm left here alone with the kids. As predicted on Saturday, the boys are home today. There is no power at their school. Imagine that!
I am off to curl up in my chair in the living room. This will give me the best view of my children tearing apart my house, one piece at a time, knowing I don't have the energy to do anything about it. Hopefully there will be something left by the time I feel better!