I know you all must be starting to think that I'm a real Fuddy Duddy. If you aren't thinking that, you might be after reading this. Either that or wondering why in the heck I even had children ... as it seems as though all I do is complain about it when they are going to be home ... like, in their own house ... where they live!
Yes, I recall ranting and raving about the boys having too many days off of school. Now, I'm wondering who in the heck though up this thing that's been around for years ... called Spring Break? Who the hell thought this will be a good idea??? Really? What was the thought process that went into deciding this would be a great thing? It's just NOT right!
Don't get me wrong ... I'm all for the kids being home and spending time outdoors as the temperatures slowly start rising. Riding bikes, preparing flower beds for the pretty blooms that will soon adorn them, cracking windows to let in the crisp cool air. Worn out children that are knocked flat on their butts because of the fresh air they've inhaled all morning as we play outside .... and the naps that are taken by children that haven't laid down in the afternoon for months because they are THAT worn out. Yeah, I have no problem with any of that. My issue is with these Spring Break mini-vacations that some many partake in now-a-days. You know, the ones where you pack up the whole family and head to the Wisconsin Dells to splash around the indoor water parks for several days ... it's just ridiculous and I'm so OUT!
Actually that's a lie ... I'm so IN and that's my dilemma. Who in their right mind would want to go and put on a bathing suit in March? Pasty, white, skin!! The extra inches that have taken up residence around my mid-section!! The thought of it actually makes me cringe! I tried on every single one of my bathing suits that fit just fine last summer, and when I viewed myself in the mirror it was downright scary. To be honest, scary is a huge understatement.
Do you think if I do my exercises 4 or 5 times a day for the next 3 days it will help any? Yeah, me neither. *Sigh*
Regardless, I'll be there, with my suit on, to have a blast with all my children. They'll have this Spring Break memory embedded in their little minds for life (or they better). And anyone who thinks I do not love my children ... will be shown just the opposite. They will be proven soooo wrong. A mother wouldn't put herself in a bikini and through the humiliation for just anyone ... it would only be for the ones she loves the most!!!
Maybe I'm not a fuddy duddy afterall ...