Okay ... I started my day asking, "What's Worse?" ... and here I am a few hours later wondering if it can get any worse? My day has been hell and I'm still having to endure at least another 6 hours before the girls will even think of going to bed for the night. I don't know if I'll make it? I really don't.
This morning was playgroup. Normally a day I look forward to. The girls play. I am actually able to speak words other than "no", "please don't", "get off that", "no coloring on walls, only paper" ... you know, the normal language that moms speak non-stop throughout the day. On playgroup days, I get to talk to adults. The other moms we look forward to seeing so we can vent about and pick apart every single stinkin' thing our husbands did to irritate us since we last saw each other the week before. It rocks! I would guess that it's better than therapy. I always come away from playgroup feeling like I'm not alone in the venture called motherhood ... and my mood is usually a lot better than when I arrived.
Not today.
It was awful. My girls misbehaved. My girls cried and screamed. My girls did not share nicely with the others. My girls threw temper tantrums. My girls talked to me with disrespecful words. My girls threw toys. One of my girls refused to even try a bite of the wonderful lunch the hostess prepared for her. That same girl came completely unglued when she did not get dessert and everyone else did. The other girl scarfed down 3 servings of food, smearing it all over her face, hands and table making it appear as though I never feed her, let alone teach her how to use a FORK. I was ready to get out. Embarrassment settled in the moment we arrived and is still hovering over me now that we are home.
Of course, now that we are home, my girls are behaving PERFECTLY.
On the way home, I decided I deserved a treat for enduring the torture my lovely daughters placed upon me. We took a long detour to Pizza Hut so I could get my breadsticks. You know, the ones I love dipping in cheese because I DO NOT like red sauce with my breadsticks. Just DON'T LIKE IT! My spirits were rising as I drew closer to home. Taste buds were watering just anticipating the lunch I was going to have. Settling in for my well deserved treat, I unpacked the breadsticks from the bag and found ...

Busted sauce containers ... and soggy, sauce drenched breadsticks. Not wanting them to go to waste, I fed them to Emily, who was dying from hunger since she didn't eat lunch. So, what a wonderful mother I am ... I rewarded her for all her bad behavior ... with MY treat!
I really want to change the design of my blog, because I don't like it. It feels dreary ... but I'm sure in changing it ... I'll screw something up.
So ... I wonder ... can it get any worse than right now? My day can only get better, right?
I'll let ya know!