I love the fact that I am able to be a WAHM ... though sometimes it has it's challenges.
The girls think that just because I am here and they can see me ... that I'm able to play play play all day long. I WISH I could play play play all day ... but that's just not the case. I do have to schedule time to work. Sometimes I feel guilty, but then realize that a mom just has to do what she has to do and I'm still very happy that I'm able to be here with them at all.
Staying on task was difficult for me. I have "too many things in the pot" my hubby often tells me, but there is nothing I'd want to give up. So I created a schedule and I stick to it ... to the minute. And it works.
No longer do I go to bed at night feeling frustrated that I didn't accomplish anything that day. I may not complete EVERYTHING that has to be done, but I do make progress, and that feels so good, because now I don't get on ONE thing and neglect everything else.
If there are things in the day you wish you could accomplish, but your day seems to whiz past you before you get a chance to even THINK of everything ... you should try typing out a schedule, and sticking to it.
I just keep mine on the fridge and it really helps. I am much happier and less tense since I've been doing this.
My schedule is below as an example:
Works For Me ... it can work for you too!
For more great tips, head on over to Rocks In My Dryer!