Not me! Well, I could surely use one to make my life easier, but that's not going to happen at this point in our lives. Raising four children isn't exactly cheap, and while I'd like to hire someone to come in and clean bathrooms and mop floors, I realize that money would be better spent on something else ... like toilet paper. Or cereal. Or beer. You know, the important things in life.
In the summer months, our dog (a Siberian Husky) sheds A LOT!!! It's a natural thing, and while I HATE it ... it's a fact of life around here and must be dealt with accordingly. I don't have the heart to send our
pain in the ass sweet Jessie dog off while she discards 1,583 pounds of fur from May through August, so we suck it up (literally) and deal with with it. The vacuum cleaner is run AT LEAST once a day at our house during the summer months, and it's not uncommon to run it 3 or 4 times. I can't stand dog hair and I don't want to see clumps of it laying around my living room floor.
That's where Drew comes in!! We added a new "duty" to his chore list. And he LOVES it. He is the vacuumer in our home now and is quite proud. It keeps him busy. It helps me out a ton. And I no longer have to envy all my friends who have housekeepers come in and do their dirty work ... I have Drew!!
Next duty to be added ... scrubbing toilets. Do you think he'll enjoy that one too? I'm thinking not ... but Drew can always be bribed with food, so I'm pretty sure I can make it happen. That's called using the resources that you have to get things done. I'm learning!