Happy 7th Birthday Drew-Be-Doo! I can't believe it's been that long since you've come into this world, yet I can barely imagine our life before you became a part of it.
Your day is going to be full of fun filled surprises, and I'll try to update this post with photos when I take them. :)
When you woke up this morning you could hardly contain yourself as everyone shouted and sang Happy Birthday, I LOVED serving you birthday cake for breakfast ... and I know you LOVED eating it.

Mom and Dad are going to surprise you at school this afternoon and bring you McDonalds and eat lunch with you and all of your friends. We don't get to do this nearly as often as we'd like and we know that you will be so happy.

Normally you have to endure the long bus ride home. Today, we are going to surprise you and pick you up from school. This is something you ask for almost every day and I am unable to do it since the girls are napping at this time, so I know you'll be in heaven.

When you walk in the door ... surprised will not be the word for what you'll be when you see your new Nintendo Wii. Yes!!! I found one!

Drewy, I am just as excited to give you all of these birthday surprises as you'll be to receive them. You are the sweetest, most caring child I know and I love you!
Happy Birthday!