Chili is asking for our help! She needs any and all chore/allowance advice and ideas she can get. While I'm no expert at this ... I do have this handy dandy chore chart (that I made myself thankyouverymuch) that really works well for the boys! So I thought I'd share it with her (and all of you who are reading).
If you have anything you'd like to share ... head on over to Chili's to link up!
We use this chore chart with the following rules and expectations:
- We place the chart outside their bedroom door, in plan site as a reminder each morning to start their chores!
- The kids can go step by step through their "row", moving their photo under each chore as they accomplish it. Because the expected chores are laid out for them in an organized manner, they should not have to be told to do each one. They just follow the chart.
- Once the row of chores is completed their photo should be under the star. Mom and/or Dad check each night to see if they made it to their star. If so, stars are marked on the fridge dry erase board. The children's pictures are then placed back at the beginning of the row so they are ready to start over in the morning.
- At the end of the week, on Saturday mornings (which is when we do our shopping), if the child has accumulated at least 5 stars, they earn their allowance (in our case it is $2.50, we encourage them to place at least 50% in their banks, but it is their choice, after all, they earned the money.) If they don't earn 5 stars, they don't have to start over, their stars carry over, but they can't earn their allowance until the next Saturday. (This is a hard lesson to learn when one child earns theirs stars and they other one doesn't ... it really gives them incentive to do their chores.)
- Some of the chores we have are rotated each week. For example, one week child #1 may set the dinner table, while child #2 clears it. The next week, the chores are switched having child #2 set the dinner table and #1 clear it.