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Posted at 08:19 AM in Daily Life, Jake, Wordless Wednesday | Permalink | Comments (17)
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Over the past month or so I've been rewarded with some fun stuff and I save it in my inbox with full intention of posting about it and then time is stolen from me ... and I never do.
I know it's lame. But, that's my excuse. I am really VERY VERY appreciative for all the kindness you send my way. I understand that most of it is because you feel sorry for me because it appears as though I've fallen off my rocker ... but I'll take it any way I can get it.
Now, it is my turn to say THANK YOU!!
Stacey, The Truest Thing, gave me a warm Friday Fuzzie like two Friday's ago. I told you I've had this stuff in my inbox for awhile. I am such a sorry excuse!! Stacey, I felt so fuzzy inside when I got a little love from ya. Thank you so much!
Nicki, My Boys And Me, sent a smile award to me decades ago. I've kept it. Smiled when I saw it, and it ends there. Not only did Nicki bestow upon me the Smile Award, she also snuck this Treat Award too. Now, I'm finally placing these in my sidebar for all to see and admire. As I do this, I want you all to know that Nicki is actually the person who makes me smile ... a lot! She is kind and warm and quite a treat ... if you haven't been over to visit her yet ... GET TO IT!
Posted at 03:56 PM in Daily Life, My Readers | Permalink | Comments (3)
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If you've been reading me for a while, you know that I vacuum every.single.day.
No .... not because I WANT to ... it's because I have to.
No ... not because Big Daddy beats me if I don't ... it's because we have her:
So, I think I just have to have this:
Don't you agree?
You know you do, you're just saying that because you want to win it.
Shoot, I'm not going to tell you how and decrease my chances of winning, you're crazy. You'll have to go over to The Domestic Diva and let her tell you.
You better hurry though ... she's choosing me a winner on Thursday. Hey it's not my fault, blame Green3, she just told me about this yesterday.
Posted at 10:37 AM in Daily Life, Household | Permalink | Comments (2)
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Last night we were sitting at the table, enjoying another gourmet meal, of course and Emily was squirming in her chair uncontrollably ... sporting a 'I know something you don't know' kind of look.
Drew is one that just can't resist an obvious 'I know something you don't know' expression so he took the bait.
Drew: Emily, why are you smiling?
Emily: Tomorrow Mommy, Molly and me are having Picnic in the backyard on a blanket.
Drew: Yeah. What are we having to eat?
Emily: You can't come because you are going to be in school.
Drew: No fair. How come you get a picnic?
Emily: Because it's my special day.
Drew: Why is it your special day?
Emily: Because I'm having a picnic outside with Mommy and Molly and you can't come because you'll be in school.
Posted at 07:58 AM in Daily Life, Drew, Emily | Permalink | Comments (2)
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When scrolling through photos taken on Purdue trip ... we got to this photo:
And once it popped up on the screen, Drew blurts, "That's at Starbucks. Where we got the coffee that was NOT in the budget!"
Guess all this talk of budgeting and finances is rubbing off ... ON THE KIDS!
Today Over At Mom's Turn: Pompous Preschooler
Posted at 11:19 AM in Daily Life, Drew | Permalink | Comments (6)
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If you are a regular surfer around Bloggyville, then you know about the giveaway carnival that is being hosted over at BloggyGiveaways.com, right? If you are all about winning free stuff ... or at least TRYING to win ... as it would be in my case then head on over for a list of all the blogs that are holding giveaways this week.
I'm never one to pass on participating in something big, so I will have my own little giveaway here at An Iowa Mom.
What could I be giving away, you ask??
What else, but SOCKS! Cute, adorable, irresistible beaded socks for your little princess. Your little one will not want to take these off once they are snuggled on those sweet little tootsies of hers. With the cooler weather setting in and the holidays around the corner, I think these socks would be a perfect prize.
Leave me a comment on this post and I will randomly choose a winner to receive a set of four pair of beaded socks
in the size and colors of their choice (value = $20). To make it fun, I'll give a set away for every 50 comments received. (50 comments = 1 winner; 100 comments = 2 winners; 150 comments = 3 winners ... you get the point, right?)
So, if you're here for the giveaway, start leaving me those comments ... and if you want to butter me up by telling me how great I am, how you just can't live without my, how much you love visiting my blog ... you may score some brownie points ... but I'll never tell for sure. I'll choose the winner (or winners) on Friday, November 2.
I'd love it if you'd stick around for awhile, but know that you must be on your way to visit all those other wonderful giveaways ... so bookmark me or subscribe to my feed and come back when you're not so rushed. I'd love to have ya!
See ya 'round the carnival! Have fun!
Posted at 07:57 AM in Daily Life, Just For Fun | Permalink | Comments (388)
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It's that time of year again ... time to start thinking about your holiday shopping. Unless you are like me and have it done already. I know. Don't hate me. Please.
This time of year is the busiest for my online store called, Craft Show Connection, and I want to share some good fortune with you all. It's the whole "holiday vibe", I just want to give, give, give.
Anyway, if you are interested in placing one of my Craft Show Connection banners on your blog or website, this is what I can do. I will reward you with $7.50 for every new exhibitor that signs up, coming from your blog/website, to sell their handmade items in our online craft show. Additionally, I will also share 5% of every sale made that originates from your blog.
If you are willing to share a little linky love and place a banner and/or post about Craft Show Connection on your blog ... I can make your holiday shopping a bit easier this year.
Come on ... it's costs you nothing ... let's be partners. You can either get started right away or feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Thanks guys!!
Posted at 10:14 PM in Crafty Corner, Daily Life | Permalink | Comments (1)
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