It's that time of year again ... time to start thinking about your holiday shopping. Unless you are like me and have it done already. I know. Don't hate me. Please.
This time of year is the busiest for my online store called, Craft Show Connection, and I want to share some good fortune with you all. It's the whole "holiday vibe", I just want to give, give, give.
Anyway, if you are interested in placing one of my Craft Show Connection banners on your blog or website, this is what I can do. I will reward you with $7.50 for every new exhibitor that signs up, coming from your blog/website, to sell their handmade items in our online craft show. Additionally, I will also share 5% of every sale made that originates from your blog.
If you are willing to share a little linky love and place a banner and/or post about Craft Show Connection on your blog ... I can make your holiday shopping a bit easier this year.
Come on ... it's costs you nothing ... let's be partners. You can either get started right away or feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Thanks guys!!