Ya know, I'm starting to freak out a bit. Not because my to do list has seemed to quadruple in size, even though that is cause for concern, but because our house has been doomed with illness since the middle of September. It's November, people!! I'm getting a little tired of it.
Okay ... A LOT tired of it. It's down right starting to piss me off. These little germs can go away already! The party is over at our house ... time to move on.
The good thing ... I'm fine! Not even a sniffle. I can't believe I just wrote that, tomorrow I'll have full blown double pneumonia. You think I'm kidding? Watch and see my friends.
The two sickies now are Molly and Big Daddy. With different things of course.
Molly has had that irritating cough, the one that only comes on at night, for about 2 weeks. Every single time I've decided I've had enough of being awakened in the middle of my dream state by the little hacker, and she'd be visiting Dr. Rick the next day ... the cough would subside. I don't know how it happened, the little booger would hide under her pillow or something until I fell back into a deep sleep ... then it would emerge and I swear I could hear it giggling ... just taunting me.
I started to feel guilty as the days whizzed by, and decided I'd be turned into DHS for child neglect if I didn't get her to the doctor's office to be treated for this bronchitis that she HAD TO HAVE because she sounded horrible.
Yesterday was the day ... Big Daddy chaperoned little Miss Molly to see the doctor. What? I am not sick, why would I want to go?? Since Big Daddy was already ill himself, I figured it would do no harm to have him breath in all those nasty germs that were having a hay day and causing a fog in the air in the waiting area. I'm always thinking, aren't I?
Molly - well, no bronchitis ... she's being treated for a sinus infection. This baffled me as her nose hasn't run yet this season ... but guess what? It started yesterday after she returned from the doctor. So she gets to chug the tasty, thick, pink medicine twice a day and I get to hear the other 3 children cry that it isn't fair that Molly gets the yummy medicine and they don't.
As for Big Daddy ... he's been doing shots since Saturday night. I'm sure he'll be better in no time.