Well, I made it through another year. That is a miracle in and of itself. Most days I feel like the kids, Big Daddy, and don't forget the cat and dog, are going to be the death of me.
But here I am.
Still alive and kickin' in 2008.
Just like other years, I have a kazillion resolutions spinning around in my head. Unlike all those years, this year I'm going to actually stick to a select few.
I am.
The ones about spending more time with the children ... not feeding them cereal for dinner ... not letting them watch Dora the Explorer five times a day ... yeah, those will be all shot to hell by mid-February. I'm not going to fool myself, so I won't try and fool you either.
However, I've got a couple that I fully intend to stick to.
One is brand new. Never had it before. It's to exercise and get in shape. My stomach has more ripples than a small pond on a windy day.
Second one is to work really hard to develop and expand the websites that I run. That is going to be my main priority this year.
Third is to finish all the projects I've started and didn't complete. I have an entire bin full of them, and by the end of the year I'm hoping to have that bin EMPTY!
It's that simple. Those are my goals for the year.
What are yours?