This afternoon the nurse was in the room taking Emily's temperature and I was standing by Emily's side to assist. Yeah, I know there is nothing I can do and the nurse has it completely under control ... but appease me by thinking that I am of SOME SORT of help here. Okay?
Anyway, as the nurse is pulling the thermometer out of her ear, Emily announces, "Mommy, you don't look very beautiful at all today. You must be having a bad day, huh?"
Thanks, dear! Glad you were feeling well enough to notice.
--> Update: No vomiting since yesterday. Also, refuses to eat since yesterday, with the exception of 5 bites of chocolate pudding. Taking in very little drink on her own. Temperature is coming up at 102 as of right now, so things are a little better. Don't know if they will let us go home today or if we'll be here another night. We'll see!
Oh ... and good Lord, Big Daddy wants me to add that he is doing all the laundry while at home and I'm here with Emily. Why is it that men need so much praise for doing the little things that we do on a daily basis with no recognition at all?
Just kidding, Big Daddy ... I really do appreciate it. Now get back to folding and putting it all away ... I hate that part.