I never thought I'd be talking about this.
I never thought I'd be blogging about this.
I never thought I'd be feeling like this.
I never thought I'd BE like this.
And what is this?
I feel crazy.
I feel angry.
I feel out of control.
I feel sad.
I feel lonely.
I feel irritable.
I feel like a failure.
I don't feel like ME!
I feel like crying ... all of the time.
Even during happy times.
And I went to the doctor.
And I talked.
We talked.
For a long time.
About a lot of things.
And she thinks I'm "depressed".
What is that?
To me, depressed is when your high school boyfriend breaks up with you ...
or when ...
your manuscript that you've been working on for a year is rejected ... over and over and over again ...
or even when ...
you screw up the gravy on Thanksgiving Day when several family members are counting on it to moisten the dry turkey you've served ... with a smile.
A fake smile.
And usually a hidden and disguised tear.
Depressed is not a word to describe me.
Not ME!
Not the person whose eyes open to the daylight, only to shut them again wishing the day would never come.
Not the person who wishes it weren't "playgroup" day so she wouldn't have to force the smile she didn't mean, and chat with the other moms, as she watches her children misbehave and rip toys out of the hands of others.
Not the person who snaps at her children after they call her name 25 times to ask her the same question over and over again, just because they want to carry on a conversation with her.
Not the person who beats herself up over the fact that she can't complete her 'to do' list each day.
Not the person who cooks her family a meal every evening and sits at the table discussing the day without ever taking a bite.
Or the person who doesn't sleep at night, rather she lies awake and worries about everything under the sun, including what to plant in the vegetable garden and what snacks to pack for a weekend trip to a baseball tournament.
Does that sound like a person who is "depressed"?
I guess all the signs were there. Have been there. For over a year now. I justified them as being in a little slump. I've got four little kids for crying out loud. Of course I should feel like this. Or it was the weather, all that rain and snow would have anyone down in the dumps. I was strong. I could overcome it on my own.
But I couldn't.
So I gave in and made the call.
Not really knowing what to say, I admitted that I needed help. I couldn't just "get over it" all by myself.
My family was suffering because of it.
They were suffering because I was suffering. And while I could put myself through that day by day ... I couldn't do that to my husband and children.
Even I am not that selfish.
Where does one go from here?
I don't know, really ... but I know now that I'm going to find out.
The first step has been taken.