Well, I'd say I did a hell of a job keeping you all updated throughout the weekend, didn't I?
I was lazy.
That is my only excuse.
Sitting at the ball park eating hot dogs and drinking cold coca-cola, set my mood for the evening, when I moved to the hotel pool and switched to pizza and beer. For once, my computer was the furthest thing from my mind.
But, we're home now, and life is back to normal. Kids are screaming. House is a mess. Laundry is piled up. My head is already pounding and it's only 9am.
Aahhh, home sweet home.
As for the games, I bet you'd rather have the brief run down, rather than a play by play anyway, huh?
Jake's team got 4th place at the tournament.
There ya go.
It was a good time had by all. I'll pay for it today and tomorrow, as the girls are BEYOND tired and are pretty close to ripping each other's hair out ...
Humph, that might make for a good video for you all later.
Until then, since I shared Drew's baseball video, I promised Jake I'd share a clip of him making the winning run in the first game (it's not for most, but this is a big deal for Jake). He has been working hard on his secondary lead, and he executed it well in this case ... HAWKS WIN! Video is only 20 seconds long.
By the way, I have a love hate relationship with fences.
AND ... like Drew's, it's NOT me screaming in the video. Also, sorry about the quality, I tried to compress it to make the file smaller and I haven't quite mastered the process yet.