So, I've been gone for a few days.
Did you notice? Did you miss me?
Thanks for saying so, even if you didn't.
The plan was to give you fair warning of my absence, because I didn't want you all to go into unexpected withdrawals, however ... I was having some technical difficulties and was unable to post before I left.
And it was a "family" trip, so my laptop was not allowed to join us on this mini-vacation. I know, it broke my heart to shun my beloved, but rules are rules and for just 2 days out of the 365 we have in the year ... I had to put my children first, crazy as that sounds.
Where did we go for all this fun?
Where else in Iowa but ...
This is a trip we take every single year. Several families in our neighborhood join together, get t-shirts made, and take the adventure with one another. This year was rather small, only 7 families, but it was fun had by all, well ... most.
Because, if you're from Iowa and have been to Adventureland with little ones, you know that there is nothing more enjoyable than standing in front of the FrogHopper in 95 degree heat, watching your children ride it over and over and over again, finally able to convince them to venture over to the ladybugs for a change of scenery. And then on to the semi's because there is nothing better than wiping sweat from your forehead, while waving feverishly with a big smile, each and every single time they ride by. And then, feeling as though you've hit the jackpot when they pick the boats so you can at least stand under some shelter ... giving you a moment of shade ... and loving them more than anything in the world when they decide to only ride those only ONCE.
Yeah, good times. This has to be my favorite day out of all the days in the year. The day I look forward to more than any other.
If you didn't read that with tons of sarcasm, then you didn't read it right.
Let's just say ... I'm glad to be back.