Have you ever woke up and realized that the day that lies ahead is going to be a GREAT one?
Me neither.
But today I'm thinking I've got quite a good chance.
Yesterday Emily had two appointments ... a dentist appointment to fill two cavities (yes, it sucks to be her, doesn't it?) and a doctor appointment for her 4 year old physical. After these visits, Miss Thing wanted to stop and get a special snack from Burger King ... and being the wonderful, caring and nice mother that I am ...
I said no.
But, before you jump all over my case, let me explain. Emily's new glasses had arrived, so today we were going to be picking them up. I asked her to wait until this day and we would get her glasses, pick up a new webkinz (whole other post) and go out for a special lunch.
She happily agreed.
Hey, she may be only four ... but she's smart enough to know a good deal when she sees it.
As I raised my heavy eye-lids this morning, I made a mental run through of what the day would consist of ... and it all sounded pretty darned good ... except for one thing ...
I hate going to the mall and specialty stores with this little monster who always seems to grow 4 more arms and 40 more fingers when we do. But ... a deal is a deal ... and it would be a great day for Emily. I'd get past the whole Molly thing. Maybe give her some Bennadryll or something.
Stumbling over blankets and toys that were left out last night, I made my way to the computer and the first email I saw was ...
Wait. Before I show you the email, I need to preface this with ...
Remember how I swap baby-sitting with my friend and neighbor. I take hers on Monday and she takes mine on Friday? Okay. Just so you remember. Now, I need you to know that I am a "fair" queen. I always want time to be divvied up equally. I hate when she's done more for me than I've done for her and I'll usually do anything I can to keep it fair. My friend knows this ... and it drives her crazy and therefore sent this email last night. I'm copying it exactly:
HA! So guess what? The day that sounded like it had potential to be perfect ... except for one thing (that would be Molly) ... is now REALLY perfect ... because Miss Molly will be going to my friends house and I will have a day with my other children ... who know how to keep their grubby little hands off of the things in a store that don't belong to them.
Stay tuned ... I'm almost positive it won't go as wonderfully as I might like to think it will ... so I'll have SOMETHING to blog when I return.
Well, look at the time ... 9:20 ... I better get a move on.