Yesterday morning, my youngest daughter did the inconceivable.
The one thing a child never wants to do to her mother.
That one thing is PISS HER OFF.
For starters, the little booger didn't want to get out of the shower. She had been in there for 20 minutes and when I asked her to get out, so that I could get in, she just looked at me from the floor of the stall without saying a word, using her hand to cover and then uncover the drain.
Now, our shower is not exactly large. It's not one of those beautiful glass sanctuaries big enough for my entire family of six. Even though, if I had one of those, you can be assured my hellions would not be allowed to come within 20 feet of it.
It would be mine.
All mine.
We'd discuss whether or not Big Daddy could use it too. Maybe on special occasions. Like when he's cleaning it. HA!
Okay, someone slap me back into reality. I don't have one of those showers, and I never will. I am telling you all a story about my little shower.
The one with the little girl in it that won't get out.
So, I did what any mother would do.
I got in.
And do you know what that brat said to me?
I don't think you want to know.
You will be outraged. Not for yourself, but for me. And if you aren't, you aren't my friend anymore.
She crinkled up her nose, and whined ... "EEeeewwww, your body is yucky!"
Yes, my three year old informed me of this ...
Being the responsible and mature mom that you all know I am, I shot back, "Yeah, well, it's all because of you. YOU did this to me. YOU! NOW GET OUT OF MY SHOWER!"
And I stewed about it for hours.
But then I forgave her. And it's not all about that whole unconditional love deal ... it was because she made it up to me big time.
By taking an afternoon nap for the first time in MONTHS!
Yup, that will do it. That's all it took.
I suppose I'll keep her.