Last week we needed to make a quick trip to the mall. As we were walking out of the building and to our car ...
Or wait, I should say, as I was trying to hold the heavy door open with my hip while impatiently ushering a lolly-gagging child through with the waving of my hand ... as I screamed, probably much too loud, to the other kiddo who was racing at lightening speed to the road where the cars who are supposed to stop for pedestrians never do ...
Yeah ... that's more like it.
As all of this was taking place the security vehicle drove past with his little orange flashing light affixed on the roof ... Drew's eyes widened and mouth dropped open in amazement ...
"Wow ... look ... it's the FBI!"
I just know he'll strive for great things in the future. Now excuse me while I go pull him away from the front door, as he is infatuated with the garbage man hauling our trash away.
Dream big, Buddy!