Because I have the most awesome, intelligent, fabulous, smart, helpful, caring readers in the whole wide Bloggyworld ... I figured I'd come to you to resolve my problem, rather than searching for hours and hours through article after article to come across three other individuals as wacky as I am ... and still knowing nothing more than what I know right now.
Because, ya know ... I have things to do.
So let's get to it.
I have hot feet. And I don't mean warm feet that someone with cold feet (aka Big Daddy) would like to snuggle against to give his popsitoes a little defrost action ... I mean HOT feet.
Hot like fire.
Hot like I'm so uncomfortable.
Hot like I swear they're gonna burst into flames at any given moment.
No kidding.
And they've always been that way, particularly at night ... and I just thought I was a wack job. A freak. Just an abnormal being.
Then I discovered Drew had the same problem. So I realized not only was I all those things ... I came to the realization that I was able to give birth to a wack job. A freak. An abnormal being.
Anyway ... this issue is not only a problem in the warmer months. It's that way in the winter too. If you can picture 20 inches of snow on the ground, the winds whirling around at 40 miles an hour ... all snuggled next to the fire to keep warm ... and me (and now Drew) over across the room, in a blanket with our feet sticking out because they're ON FIRE.
In a house that cheapo Big Daddy keeps the thermostat set at 65 in the winter months.
I've gone outside and walked on the cold concrete. I've placed cold washcloths over my feet at night. I've soaked my toes in ice. Nothing helps. And I have no idea why our feet are this way.
And it is frustrating.
So somebody ...
Anybody ...
Tell me what the problem is ...
I'm counting on you Dr. Blogger, to fix me and Drew all up.