Okay. We all know that I should be nominated for "Mother Of The Year", right?
Shoot ... not nominated, the title should be held soley by me.
That's right.
Because what other mother out there is as thoughtful, caring, selfless or kind as I am?
What one? Tell me.
You can't. I told you so.
When did Molly start preschool? My baby. My last. The final "first day of school" ... That took place ... WHEN?
Oh yeah ... that's right ... AUGUST.
August 25.
And what's today? SEPTEMBER 24.
So, what's my point? Well, while I was so tied up filling my obligations as "Mother of the Year", I put the post about Molly and her first day of school on the back burner.
However, before you all get your panties in a bunch (your briefs for those few readers of the opposite gender) ... I want you to know there is a grace period for this type of thing.
Yup. How do I know this, you ask? Because I said so, that's why!
And the grace period is ONE MONTH.
So, there is really no issue here. Let's get to it ...
Molly started preschool! Doesn't she look happy and excited? Yeah well, that only lasted until we walked through the door of her classroom. Then she dug her overgrown fingernails into my ankle and held on for dear life as I tried to escape, I mean leave.
An upside of waiting one day shy of a month after this event has actually
happened to tell you about it, I'm thrilled to report she got over her ridiculousness and now LOVES to go to school. I think she finally figured out that her teachers are much nicer than I am and she can enjoy 3 hours playing, coloring, painting, singing and dancing ... without getting yelled at.
Hey, whatever works.
There ya have it. My post about Molly's first day at preschool.
Just in time.