was more of a trim. When I arrived, prepared for anything, my stylist looked at me and said, "I love all your natural curl."
Let me tell you ... I hate that! Everyone says it. I cringe. I hate, more like despise, the "natural curl" and wish I had straight hair so I didn't have to spend time straightening it. Ya know, all three times a year I actually do that.
But anyway because of this "natural curl" ... she decided that it would be best to leave my hair longer.
So we did.
A few dead ends were cut away and some layers to make me look a little less "haggy".
The layers didn't work.
Don't get me wrong ... they worked. They're there. But I still look "haggy" ... for lack of a better word. And after looking at my photo from yesterday, if you have a BETTER word for the way I look ... let's just keep it to ourselves, m'kay?
I mean, I'm not exactly young, ya know? Geez Louise. (See, just saying "GEEZ LOUISE" dates me.)
And ... I've had four kids, remember? (HA! I love using that line. Like it's a perfect excuse for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that is wrong with me.)
Anyway, I know you all are waiting for another photo, as if you can't get enough of me, and I fully intended to share one with you today. But you know my life, and so you won't be surprised when I tell you that I got up and styled my hair all pretty ... then took the kids to school ... and it rained.
So, now I'm frizzed out.
And regardless of the fact that I'm starting to open up and share my "look" with you ... you're not seeing this <insert> me pointing to my head </insert>.
No way.
So, you'll have to wait.
I know you'll be checking back over and over, just dying to see another photo of me ... so I'll try to get one up soon ... because I'm all nice like that.