Yesterday afternoon I finally was able to take a breath and sit down to check my email. Oh, shush, I AM that busy, okay?
As I open my inbox, I immediately notice an email from Big Daddy. Because he's my favorite, I opened it first. Ya never know when one will be sent saying, "Drop everything and don't bother cooking ... I'm taking the family out to eat tonight!", and no one would want to miss an email like that, right?
Well, that's not what this one said. The email from Big Daddy read, "Enough with the <insert inappropriate word here> giveaways and get back to writing funny stories about your family on your blog."
And because I always do everything my husband tells me to do, I got right on it this morning to do what I've been told.
Excuse me while I get myself together, because I crack myself up. That statement right there was hilarious as far as I'm concerned.
Anyway ... on with the story about my family.
See this?:
That is my husband, Big Daddy, on a motorcycle that he purchased for FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS! It's older than I am, I think (hee hee) and while it runs ... it's doesn't start ... unless you run with it.
I was going to take a video, but I'm not THAT mean ...
That's not entirely true ... I just wasn't quick enough to capture the moment.
So, I'll try to paint a visual for you ...
Picture Big Daddy. Picture his motorcycle above. Picture Big Daddy running down the street, pushing his motorcycle. Faster and faster. Picture a school bus rounding the corner. Then go back to picturing Big Daddy ... jumping on the bike. And low and behold it starts. Back to the bus ... it stops right next to Big Daddy, happily situated with his new toy. The doors to the big yellow bus open, and the driver hollers, "MID LIFE CRISIS?" ... shut the doors and drives on.
Maybe you had to be there ... but it was hilarious. I promise ... the next time this happens ... I'll get it on video and you all will be the first to see it.
There ya go Big Daddy ... a story about our family.
I am here to please ... just ask and you shall receive.