Drew had a doctor appointment this afternoon. No, he's not sick. Just a physical, a requirement to continue receiving the little pills that I give him each morning ... the pills that miraculously keep him out of the principals office.
Anyway ... physical ... not ill.
In the car afterward, Drew asked, "How tall am I?"
I glanced at the cute little sheet the nurse handed me when she left the room at the beginning of our examination and replied, "53.1 inches."
"WHAT?" Drew exclaimed, loud enough that it actually startled me and I might have actually peed myself a little. "INCHES!!! I'm not even a foot tall?"
"Drew, a foot is 12 inches, right?" I was just double checking.
"Then take 53 and divide it by 12." I should have been a teacher.
"Well ... " Molly piped up, in the tone of voice that she only uses when she really really really wants to irritate one of her siblings, "I HAVE TWO FEET!"
For some reason I found that sort of cute. So, I wanted to share it. I would take a photo of her and upload it with this post, but she's laying here in her underwear throwing a tantrum like none of you have probably seen before.
All because I said that we couldn't go to Florida tonight.
Can you say EARLY BEDTIME?