So, literally a month went by since yesterdays pictures were shot ... but like I said, you don't have to wait ... like I did. And it was agonizing. The waiting. It just killed me. Not that anybody cared. <cough> EMILY </cough>
Anyway, we decided to build a deck around the pool. So, we got contractors lined up, plans made, permits from the city, etc ...
And finally ... they started.
Not much to see on the first day, but they dug holes. Lots of them. Like 25 or something. And then filled them with concrete. The girls LOVED when the cement truck showed up. And I'm sure they drove the guys crazy with all their screeching and running around the driveway. I am sorry that had to endure it, but I was secretly happy there was someone else experiencing my living hell ... just to witness that it does actually exist.

And unlike me ... despite the girls craziness, the guys were able to get their job done. Me - yeah, I've still got a to do list about 39 miles long ... but remember ... no one cares that I'm suffocating under it.

And before the day was out, we had 25 pretty concrete rounds ready and waiting to support my new deck. I never thought I could love cement. But this day, I could have french kissed it I loved it so much.

For all pictures, click here.