I've been so slacking on the photos because I think they're boring now.
Like do you really care to see a pool? Some rock in someone else's driveway? Concrete round things? Do you?
I think I heard ONE person in the back there say they sort of did, but only because the only other thing they have to do right now is laundry. I'd rather do ANYTHING than laundry so I guess I understand and I'll continue ...
Guess what arrived the morning after the concrete truck came?

Oh yeah. Lumber. And I must applaud the builder dudes because they did a great job getting the entire pool framed THAT DAY! And just so you know, I included a photo of MYSELF in it ... so that you'd have SOMETHING to laugh at ... because the blog hasn't been all that funny lately. I'm in a funk.

I swear it was a lot more exciting in real life. Or maybe it just was for me. Whatever.

For all the photos, click here.