It's no secret that Emily and I butt heads more than we don't. I mean, this little girl knows already at the age of five how to push every single freakin' button I have. And she's proud of it.
I am not kidding.
When I pick her up from school her teachers proudly assure me that Emily is well behaved and mannered in school and ... WOW-WEE ... what a great helper she is. However, somehow they manage to miss the tantrum and nasty words she spews at me as we walk out of the building. It's really quite the production if I say so myself.
Let's just put it this way ... if being a total brat, disrespecting your mother, and intentionally doing the opposite of what she asks of you ... was good? I am convinced that I'd be the proudest mother on the planet.
Oh ... don't even think you have reason to believe your child is 'just as nasty' ... because a child who is more stubborn, more pig-headed, and more difficult than Emily ... simply does not exist.
Take my word for it.
My daughter is a girl version of Eddie Haskel ... like a ... ummm ... what's her name? ... Angelica ... from The Rugrats.
That is Emily. Only being down right rotten to other children is switched with being hateful to her mother.
And the frustrating thing is ... she has got everyone fooled into thinking she is a sweet, delicate flower of girl, who has a mean old bat as a mother. I swear ... she could run for president. And win. AT FIVE.
So, when I walked into the room the other day and found Emily in my big comfy chair ... it warmed my heart. I almost didn't believe it, I wanted to run over and hug her. She looked like a ... mini me ... and of course that made this mother very proud ...
But seriously people, do you see that she will not even smile for the picture like I asked her to?
Next time I'll try to remember to tell her to stick her tongue out and flip me the bird ... then I'm more likely to get a smile and probably even a hug.
My Girl.
Watch out world ...
Consider this your fair warning.