She did it again. After I wrote my last post, sharing with you all how my Emily is becoming a little me ... and how proud of that I was. But, she was difficult and tested me daily ... more like hourly. Well, she turned me into a liar. Flat out.
There would be no other reason that to spite me for what I wrote about her on my blog. I'm pretty confident that she didn't read it. I mean, a mother knows this stuff about her children. She may be able to log on to the computer and pull the blog up ... but reading it? Doubtful.
Anyway, to be fair ... because I'm always fair, right?
... I wanted to follow up that post with her behavior and attitude yesterday ...
It was fabulous. Smiled all day. Spoke to me with respect, please and thank you's. Did as she was told. And she even helped me out when she wasn't even asked, in addition to playing nicely with her siblings.
While I would like to think a dramatic change has actually taken place inside her naturally ... I know ... she was just trying to show me up and make me look a fibber. There would be no other reason.
However, whatever the logic ... she was awesome all stinkin' day and even while she slept. Take a look over there at my sweet girl. I thoroughly enjoyed being her mother yesterday (and even so far today, as she's sitting here next to me on her laptop teaching me to spell FISH) ...
But I will not retract my fair warning for the world to watch out for her ... because I'm convinced she's gonna be a little spitfire.