Okay ... yesterday morning when I turned the water off to my steamy hot shower (Lord knows the traffic I'll get from Google-r's now, huh? ... anyway,) I was greeted by Molly.
Molly, Molly my big helper, who was opening my shower door letting in the FREEZING FREAKIN' COLD air ... because heaven forbid I actually have more than 3.4 minutes to myself. Or even enough time to wrap a towel around my goose bump filled body.
"Hi Mom!" she said cheerfully, as if she didn't just see me 4 minutes before ... when I stepped INTO the shower.
Why do kids do this? Don't they want a few minutes to THEMSELVES? Because I would really appreciate them wanting this time ... because it would allow me to ... I don't know ... BREATHE.
Well, because the weather is turning colder, I have my clothes sitting right outside the shower so that I can dress as fast as possible. Believe me when I say ... I don't like the cold. At all. Year round, since we're talking about showers, I take mine with water so hot that my skin is literally RED when I emerge from it. I guess I'm what you'd call a natural born ... heat lover. I don't freakin' know. But, you get the point, right?
Not that the point made has anything at all to do with my story. Because it doesn't. However, I know that you all feel slightly more fulfilled now that you know that little detail about me, don't you? Don't you? DON'T YOU?
So, onward ... when I finally get one towel securely on top of my head and another around my shivering body, I look up to find Molly with my bra around her head and she's holding the cups over her ears ...
"Look Mom!" she giggled, "I have your ear muffs!"
Wanting to laugh, I control myself ... because I'm mean and hateful that way, plus I know my daughter well enough that if I laugh ... she'll run ... thinking it's a game. And when I'm cold, and naked ... I don't want to chase my three year old around the house. I'm just sayin'.
"It's not earmuffs!" I said sternly, holding my hand out ... knowing she'll know I'm serious ... standing there with dripping hair in my bath towel. Usually my most serious face doesn't matter. But this time it did. I was shocked. I was floored. I was flabbergasted.
You get the point.
"Oh yeah ..." she giggled, taking the bra from her head and holding it out to me, "These are for your BUBS!"
And then I laughed.
Wouldn't you?