Well, today is the first "snow day" of the school year. We are about an hour into it and I'm ready to kill someone.
Can someone please tell me when a mother treats her child to a "HOT FUDGE SUNDAE POP-TART" for breakfast (that they've been begging to have for 24 hours), they find it necessary to take one bite of it and tell her they got the wrong one my mistake, they really wanted "CHOCOLATE FUDGE"?
Does anyone out there know why a three year old, who always eats ONE freakin' pop-tart ... always asks for a second ... and takes one bite and whines to her mom that she is so full her tummy hurts?
Any guesses what kind of mother gives in every single stinkin' time and gives said child a second pop-tart, knowing that she's going to take one bite and whine that she is so full her tummy hurts? I mean COME ON, what kind of freak of nature is that woman?
Is it normal for a child to snuggle up next to their mother and ask to play the Wii, even though it's been taken away for the day, claiming he really wants to play it together WITH HIS BROTHER ... then once the mother gives in, the little shit kid stands up and says, "But can I just play it alone?"
Would it be considered wrong that the mother gave in and let her kids play the Wii even though they had lost it for the day ... strictly for her own sanity? And possibly to save the lives of her children?
Will someone please tell me if there is even a slight possibility that I will be able to make it through this day?
Tell me I will survive this.
Because I'm not feeling real confident at this point.