You could probably guess that with four children ... a lot of crap happens here at our house. A lot of stuff that I had no words to describe. None. Zilch. Nada.
But now I do.
Eric Ruhalter, author of the awesome dictionary for parents with all the words they need to express all the craziness that comes with being a parent.
It is a glossary of words that had me laughing out loud and I know that you will be too!
- WISHJACK: To maliciously blow out the candles on another child's birthday cake.
KODICK: The child who refuses to cooperate in the taking of a family photograph
INVISIBOOBOO (in-VIZ-uh-boo-boo) n: The site on a child's body
where you unnecessarily applied a Band-Aid to appease them when they
got hurt, though did not bleed.
THREEMAGEDDON (three-muh-GED-in): The supposed hellfire and
brimstone that would erupt should an annoyed mother reach the third
digit while counting aloud to 3 to get a non-compliant child to get his act together... ONE. TWOOOOOOO!!!!!! ...
Funny stuff. When the book arrived in my mailbox I didn't have a lot of time to look through it, so I decided to flip through a couple pages to see what it was all about. Well ... I read every.single.word and it's meaning, right then and there ... I just wanted to turn 'one more page' to see what came next. And so many times found myself nodding my head in agreement that it was the PERFECT word for that all too familiar action Mr. Ruhalter was defining with these new found words.
A must have for every parent ... and a perfect gift for the parents to be. Take a moment and check out his website - - and then enter to win a copy for yourself.
You'll be glad you did.
The KidDictionary: A Book of Words Parents Need But Don't HaveUSA Shipping Only
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WINNER ANNOUNCEMENTFriday, January 30 at 9pm, selected via and notified by email.
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