Now I told you that I had a project box ...
This box is FULL of craft projects that I've started, and for one reason or another, they have never been completed. Being that I am a major loser probably has something to do with that. Either that or the fact all these freakin' kids living in my house won't allow me more than 10 minutes to do anything for myself ... and when those precious minutes are awarded I usually spend them using the bathroom or taking a shower. Even then, I'm more than likely doomed to be interrupted.
ANYWAY - I vowed that I would complete all the half done projects in my project box before I started anything new. I found a new 'sewing center' a couple weeks ago when my mother was here visiting and now there are SO MANY NEW THINGS TO BE CREATED. That being said, I obviously need to get a move on my project box. Don't 'cha think?
Sticking to my guns, I finished a project that was sitting on top, giving me the incentive to dig deeper and do more. Which I will do. TODAY!
Here is what I did:
A snowman wall hanging. Isn't it cute? I made three. One for mom, one for Etsy (more detailed pictures over there), and one for ... you guessed it ... ME!
Remember what this year is all about?
So, I always say I'll share. And never do. Well, those days are over. From now on, I'll do much better with that too.
My how things are changin' around here.
Better get back to work before my old self shows up again.