Okay ... I don't know why, but some reason I got a wild hair and decided that it would be a great idea to have a turkey dinner. Don't worry ... that "wild hair" ... didn't find it's way into the food.
I'm just sayin'.
So anyway ... I decide to make this feast ....
I'm talkin' full dinner. With mashed potatoes. Dressing. Cranberries. Corn. Gravy. Rolls. And of course, the turkey. DUH. I said TURKEY dinner. Weren't you paying attention? Geez.
Do you wanna know why I would do this?
Simple, because I'm the only idiot on this great planet who can't accomplish everything she has to do in a day ... so she decides to recreate Thanksgiving Dinner.
In February.
Hello? Isn't that what every mother of four does, on a Tuesday afternoon, as she periodically glances at her to do list sitting on the counter full of other things she could (and should) be doing?
Too late.
As Rachel Ray would say, "I wish there was "SMELLIVISION", because dang it smells good in here.
So not only am I an idiot ... I'm also a bitch ... because now I know you all are wishin' you were here right now, huh?