Desperate times call for desperate measures. Isn't that what they say? And what does it mean when people say "Isn't that what THEY say"? Who the hell is "THEY"? I was just wondering. And if any of you know, please ... by all means, enlighten me.
Anyway, like usual, I got off track. Maybe I need to start over.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. And it is because of that simple fact, that I have to replace a great friend of mine. By no means am I breaking it off completely with my old pal, I just happen to have a new best friend now ... by pure necessity, not desire ... let's keep that straight.
Some may call me a user, since it seems I'm all, "What can you do for me!?" But ya know, what can an ol' mother do? So, it's out with the old ... and in with the new ...
Say hello to my new best friend:
BTW - We are making progress. Three kids at school and only one at home. Molly pulled through like a trooper and slept off whatever it was yesterday that brought her down. Now if we can only kick whatever it is that has made itself at home inside Jake ... this gal will be one happy mother.