For many months I keep hearing, "Twilight This" and "Twilight That" and never paid much attention. I mean, come on, I'm a mother of four kids and even though I neglect them regularly, I still don't have time to read a book.
Okay, I take that back ...
I do have time to read a book, I just choose to do other things ... like read blogs and watch reruns of Dog The Bounty Hunter.
Since I get off topic regularly, let me ask ... how many of you thought when I said "Okay, I take that back ..." that I was going to retract my neglecting the kids comment? Seriously people, you should know me better than that by now.
Back to Twilight. I keep hearing about this book and it's always everyone ooohhhing and aaahhhhing over it. I figured I should just make the effort and read it. Give some time to myself. I love to read so it was about damn time I do something I like to do, right? Locking the door to my room (Big Daddy was home with kids), I snuggle into my bed with a big ol' honkin' fountain pop with the sole purpose to read. However, still stuck in "Dog" mode ... I read this instead:
It was pretty good actually ... if you're a "Dog" kinda person. And to my surprise, I completed his story in a day. The kids didn't interfere at all. It was then that I realized Twilight was becoming an actual possibility. I may just be able to pull it off. If you know me well, you know I can't do anything a little bit at a time, so I'll give you a little sneek peek into my bedroom to catch a glance of my nightstand.
Yeah. All four books. So ... if these are as fantastic and addicting as everyone claims, I will be totally engrossed in them for at least a week. You can leave me a comment telling me what you think of the series ... but please, PLEASE, don't give away parts of the book that someone who hasn't read them won't want to know!
Before diving in, I vowed that I would catch up on housework, shopping and computer work before I even open the first book. Now you know what my day consists of. If things go well, I'll have my nose in that sucker by bedtime.