Yeah ... I have to tell you ... it's gonna be one of THOSE days today! A 24 hour period of time that I have to constrain myself from the computer and my beloved friends who live inside of it. Why? Well it's simple to explain. For the simple fact that today is one of those days that I actually have to act like a mother.
It's Molly's birthday. She's four today. And I feel it necessary to spend the day with her, not you ... I do hope you'll understand and forgive me.
So now I must close this laptop and do my best to not be pulled back to it. I mean, there are important things going on here. There is cake to be devoured. A Thumballina movie to be viewed. A new bell for a bike to be rung.
Not to worry ... I will fill you in on all the details when I return.
Until then ... do your best not to miss me.
As Molly would say, "Toodles!"