Yesterday when I dropped Molly off at one of her final days of preschool for the year, her teacher had Molly's "portfolio" out and asked that I take it home with me. This notebook is filled with drawings that Molly has done over the past 10 months, along with other things they've collected throughout her year at school. As I sat in my car flipping through it afterward, it FELT like the end of the school year. UGH!
However, when opening the notebook, one thing in particular stood out to me. It was a photo of Molly when she started school. I know, wasn't I just right on top of reporting THAT milestone? I'm trying people. I'm trying. Hopefully by the time she graduates from high school, I'll be posting the update immediate proceeding the ceremony. I hear you laughing. You don't fool me. And obviously, I don't fool you either. Oh well ... I'm glad we got that straight.
Anyway, I couldn't believe how short Molly's hair was. I never really remember it being that short, yet I can recall the day she made the drastic change. Immediately I began to contemplate whether it would be a good decision to make a repeat performance of last year and take the plunge with the scissors. I even had the phone in hand to make the call to make the appointment. Of course, I asked her what she thought, because her opinion is the most important ... <cough>bullshit</cough> ... but she was no help (surprise, surprise). One second she says "YES!" ... the very next breath is a "NO!".
Typical girl.
I can't say I'm much better. The idea to chop it all off only seems like a good one ... half of the time. So I could not allow my fingers to press the buttons on the phone committing us to the visit that would make the decision final.
And because I'm a loser that obviously can't follow through with any thought I have ... or don't have ... I'm turning to my old trusted friends who live inside my computer.
That's you! Yes, I know I just called you old.
What do you think? Should we cut it off or leave it alone (with a trim, of course)?