You know those gold coins? The ones that are worth a dollar?
Jake loves them. As a matter of fact, he finds them to be extremely lucky. With this being his belief, he tucks one away in his right cleat before he slides his foot into it when getting ready for a baseball game. Last Thursday evening, the ritual continued. Or so we thought.
In the car on the way home from this particular game, Jake took a shoe off and realized his lucky coin was gone.
He royally freaked out wondering how in the world that could have happened. The intense reaction that Jake displayed caused Big Daddy and I to panic ... thinking something really bad happened back there in the 3rd row of the Suburban.
After realizing that he was overreacting ... over a COIN ... we became a little frustrated. It's not nice to scare old people ... Jake could have caused one of us to have a heart attack. Ya know?
Anyway, we finally arrived home and upon entering the house Jake noticed his lucky gold coin sitting neatly on the shoe rack. It seems as though it didn't fall out of his shoe after all. Jake just forgot to tuck it into his cleat before he left for the game.
Relief swept over him and he ran downstairs to take a shower. Coin in hand. Once his body was scrubbed and it was time to lather shampoo into his hair, he realized he was still holding the beloved lucky coin that he had retrieved from the shoe rack. Unable to hold it AND shampoo his hair, he placed the dollar into his mouth.
He knew that isn't something one should do. But he did it anyway.
And he managed to swallow it.
Needless to say ... my new nickname for my oldest son is now ...
Rather fitting ... don't 'cha think?