Last night the boys asked if they could sleep in the basement. Scanning the calendar and verifying that we had nothing on the agenda for today, I determined that it would be okay. Let me explain, we can't have ball games or any outings for the following day ... because when they sleep in the basement they usually stay up until all hours of the night playing video games or watching TV and are virtually useless the next day.
Responsible parenting? Probably not. But, I never claimed to be a responsible parent.
Anyway, Big Daddy was in a pretty good mood and went down to help them out. Ya know, getting their blankets and pillows set out just right. What I saw when he came upstairs is something I've never seen before. He had turned white as a ghost. With wide eyes and barely able to speak, he mumbled, "Have you seen the basement?"
Quite honestly, I probably hadn't been down there for two weeks ... but know that I send the kids down there to play daily. Judging from Big Daddy's face, I knew that it couldn't be good.
I crept down, expecting the worst.
And it was worse than THAT.
"Appalling" is the only word to describe it.
So ... guess what we are doing today?
You got it. I'm goin' in.
If you don't hear from me in 48 hours ... call 9-1-1.