Get up.
Seriously ... get off the floor!!
I know you fell out of your chair seeing An Iowa Mom highlighted in your feed reader, but it's time to pull yourself together and come to grips with the fact that I am back.
For real this time.
I'm not just saying I'm back, and then disappearing again for months.
The kids go back to school this week and we are in "school" mode. As far as our house is concerned, summer break is over. O-V-E-R. Which means I have to get my ass in gear too and start getting back to the normal routine. Which of course involves blogging. And reading blogs too. I feel like I've missed out of so many of your summers ... because I was too busy enjoying my own.
I'm so selfish. Aren't I?
Anyway ... enough of that talk. I'm just gonna jump right in. Right into what happening with us right now.
And that is FOOTBALL.
Yup. Drew is going to play tackle football this year. Nervous isn't actually the word I would use to describe his thoughts on participating in this sport. Petrified is more like it. Yet, he wants to do it.
Here is how it all went down ... the short version ... because I wouldn't want to overwhelm you all on my first day back.
ME: Drew, I just got a call saying it's not too late for you to sign up for football.
DREW: No way. I'm not doing it.
ME: Why? I thought you've always wanted to play football.
DREW: I did. But, I don't want to get hurt.
ME: You won't.
DREW: When I play in the backyard and get tackled, it hurts.
ME: When you get tackled by who?
DREW: Derek.
ME: He's 15. You're 8. That might have something to do with it. Plus, in the back yard you aren't wearing pads.
DREW: I'm not playing.
ME: Fine. All I ask is that you think about it. You've always said you wanted to play. This is your chance. If you don't want to. You don't have to. But, at least think about it.
And I left the room. About 20 minutes later, Drew emerged from his room and slammed a piece of paper down on the counter if front of me and walked away.