Last night a big ol' annual event in our lives took place. It was huge. It was crazy.
It was School Open House.
Now, I realize many of you are chuckling as to how I could think this was some enormous affair ... however, I bet those who are laughing don't have four kids ... all lugging their school supplies in at the same time, all bolting ten feet in front of you ... going in different directions. Am I right? Come on, tell me ... I'm right. Right?
We determined the girls were the most excited about meeting their teacher and seeing their classrooms, so they would be first. As we entered the school, the same school we've entered for the past 6 years I might add, the following remark is made, "Where are the kindergarten rooms?"
Yeah, us adults are a little slow sometimes ... obviously not the sharpest crayon in the box, but pretend you didn't notice, okay?
Jake, the only one no longer attending this elementary school looked at Big Daddy and I like we were not just idiots, but COMPLETE idiots and cooly muttered, "Don't worry. Just follow me. I know this school like the back of my ear!"
Which led me to ponder ... How well does one actually know the back of their ear?
So, who's coming off as the numbskull now?
I'm just sayin'.
** It's a joke Jake, chill out ... we all know you're a smart kid.