Wow ... a lot of you responded to this little somethin' something' of a hillbilly contest? I mean, really, who holds a contest asking you to guess when her third born will come down with the yuckies?
Me Me Me Me Me Me. (That's me, jumping up and down in the corner wanting you to see me, but not wanting to get noticed.)
Ahem - I just wanted to update you all ... THERE IS STILL TIME. Emily is still healthy as an ox. Is that a "saying". I don't know if it is ... or if I just like it. And this IS my blog, even if I'm not here as often as I used to be.
So ... I'm still keeping score and will let you know when Little Miss Emily ruins my night, stumbling into my room boo-hooing that her head hurts and that she wishes she were dead ... and that there is nothing more that she would like than for me to lay with her ... and spread her germs ... into my body ... so that I can be just as miserable as she.
Stay tuned. It's bound to happen.
(And if you haven't voted ... you still have the chance.)
Come on ... this awesome pillow is up for grabs! Make it YOURS!