Paula and I were recently talking on Facebook about being easily distracted and unable to accomplish anything that needed to be done. Well, not actually talking as in speaking, but we were communicating. That's right. And I know, we were on FACEBOOK ... instead of doing what we should have been doing. See what I mean? Easily distracted is to put it mildly. Can you say ADD?
Anyway, I wanted to prove to myself that I can accomplish something in an efficient way ... and so this post is born.
I am on the giveaway train again. There is no better feeling than to find out you've won something. For nothin'. Like, as in 'free'. Well, okay, there might be a better feeling out there somewhere ... but winning free stuff ranks pretty high up on the list. Don't you agree?
This post here, will give you the heads up on four different giveaways. Yup. Call me EFFICIENT. Seriously, call me that! I want to hear you say it. "Wendy, you are so efficient!!" Yeah ... that sounds so awesome.
So ... It's a four in one deal. Kinda like multi-tasking.
I so rock.
So here goes.
I so say "so" a lot, don't I?
CUTE DAIRY GIFT PACK PLUS $25 HY-VEE GIFT CARD - An awesome giveaway for the holiday season. I mean, who doesn't need a Hy-Vee gift card ... and cute dairy gift pack?
DEANS DIPSTAKES GIVEAWAY - Win some free dip, because everyone always needs dip. Or a grill. Or a Home Entertainment System. You just have to enter to win.
SCRAPBOOKING GIVEAWAY - Sara over at Eat, Scrap, Love is needing some help decorating her new craft space. If you end up being the one to inspire her ... you win!
PERSONALIZED PILLOW - Since my other attempt at this giveaway didn't work out, we'll try it again.
Good luck. And have fun!