Today is the day that Molly doesn't have preschool. She goes four days a week and on Friday's she is all mine. For most of the morning she was playing with all her Fisher Price stuff that she had worked so hard to drag up from the basement and scatter all over my living room floor. She is a master at doing that.
Then, mid-morning, she came bouncing up to me and said, "Can we have a really fun day today and not clean?"
"Sure!" I agreed, since little did she know all of my cleaning was done anyway. "What shall we do?"
She looked over to the mess she had made in the other room and smiled. Off we went to have some Fisher Price village, castle, farm, house, parking garage and school kinda fun.
Of course, I wanted to take control (which yes, I know I shouldn't but I JUST CAN'T HELP IT) and organized all the structures into what made sense and formed a cool little "town". Pushing little cars up and down my imaginary roads and making all the tiny plastic people talk in squeaky, high-pitchedvoices, I was truly having a good time.
And then ... and then ... and then ... Molly placed a hand on my shoulder ...
"Mom. I don't think we should play together right now. I just love you TOO much."
What the heck is THAT supposed to mean?
I am guessing that she was having about the same amount of fun playing with me, that Lucky was having with the girls in this picture ...