Of course, all of my children are special.
Heck, every CHILD in the world is special ... but ever since Emily was born ... there was just something different about her. It's really hard to explain.
We've found nothing that wasn't of interest to her. She loves to play ANYthing and with ANYone. In our experience with the other three children, we've found that there are certain things that spark their interest ... and have a handful of things that they are "obsessed" with.
Emily is obsessed with everything ... and thrives at it all. Anything she comes in contact with, you'd believe was her "passion". Shoot, anything she comes in contact with I believe SHE thinks is her passion. And, after the comment she made to me Monday evening ... I think we can add yet another to her growing list ...
"Oh my gosh, Mom!" she gushed, with all the emotion she could muster, "The Bachelor is soooo much better than The Golden Globe Awards! I mean look at that ... their dresses are just incredible!!"
Yeah ... I think we can add FASHION to the list.
Or maybe ACTING.
Oh, who am I kidding ... probably BOTH!