Why does it seem like the majority of my blog posts are just me complaining when I'm sick? Or when someone in my house is suffering from some ailment? Because, in all seriousness, we've all been healthy for quite some time.
Hhhmmm, putting two and two together, maybe that is why I haven't been blogging as much. DUH! I'm such a dope.
Anyway, we WERE all healthy ... until a couple days ago.
And it's me who came down with the crud. The aches & pains coupled with the fever & chills. Many times people who have when I have right now describe it as 'feeling like they've been run over by a truck'. However, at this point ... I wish I WAS RUN OVER BY A TRUCK and put out of my misery.
Because, of course, I get sick when all the Valentine boxes need to be created. And when all the little cards of sweet sentiments have to be colored and cut out. Not to forget that it's when those same cards need to be addressed and names need to be signed to them all. Treats need to be made. Party supplies need to be purchased and delivered. You get my point. Right? Just thank the Lord that only three of my children had to go through this routine ... Jake being in the 6th grade has graduated up from parties and having any fun at school.
I think when God created mothers, he should have injected us with some special serum that made us immune to all illness until our children have at least reached the middle school years. Just sayin'.
One of my MANY arguments to Big Daddy regarding staying home even though all four kiddos are in school every day, all day ... is that I wanted to be able to be at school for all their parties. To volunteer to help out. To take pictures. To share in all their special times. To just be there.
The Valentine parties are today.
And here I sit. Unable to go because my fever is higher than 100. And it might be a bit traumatic for all those elementary kiddos to witness my head EXPLODING from all the noise they manage to generate after they've consumed a ridiculous amount of sugar. Also, I really like my kid's teachers and wouldn't want them have to clean up that gruesome mess ... especially on a Friday. Ya know, I'm kind like that.
At least I have Molly home with me today. I made her a "cold lunch" when I was packing the others this morning, since she really enjoys eating out of her lunch box. When she sat down with it I decided to take her picture, since I wasn't taking any at the Valentine parties that I should be at.
When I uploaded the photo ... she looked at the computer and said, "Aaawww, I'm sooo cute! But take another one because I can smile so much better than that."
Made me smile when I didn't feel like smiling.
It's the small stuff, isn't it? I'm glad I was here to witness it.