A day or two ago, I was sleepily browsing Facebook, as I do every morning, while I listened to my oldest child chomp on his cereal and mumble under his breath how stupid it is that school has to start so early in morning. And how stupid it is that parents make their kid rinse out their bowl and place it in the dishwasher. And how stupid it is that a kid has to put the milk away. And how stupid it is that ... ah ... you get my point.
Anyway, I quickly scanned over all the newest Facebook updates that had been posted since I closed my eyes the night before ... and was instantly drawn back to re-read one in particular. It was written by a "bloggy friend" of mine, and it summed up my situation TO.A.TEE!
It read:
I'm seriously cheating on my blog with Facebook. I think I'm a one-website woman.
Yup. That's me. Exactly. Facebook has ruined my relationship with my blog, and damn it, I'm not happy about it. My heart sank and I instantly felt like a female version of Jesse James ... wanting to make it right. Wanting to prove to the world that never meant to stray.
But how?
I can not give Facebook up entirely, as I need it to detach from real life and all the stresses that come along with it. Bejeweled Blitz has acted as a drug of sorts, a magical potion that when devoured, makes it seem as though nothing else exists in the world ... or even matters, especially when a high score is obtained.
However, Tiger Woods is a perfect example that one simply can not have it all.
Or can they?
After reading and contemplating what was recently written by "another bloggy friend" of mine, I began to wonder if I could? Jody recently shared her wisdom regarding balancing your online and offline self ... and then I finally realized that ... organization is KEY.
How simple is that? A perfect solution.
It's not rocket science, but dang ... it sure feels like it when trying to accomplish it all. It takes careful consideration when trying to make a time slot for everything and everyone that you want to include in your life. So, I wrote it all down and made a schedule. And yes, I know it seems silly to pencil in Facebook time along side baseball games or assigning a day and time for laundry, and also time for reading my favorite blogs (that, ahem, I've been neglecting while having my affair with Facebook) ... but, as silly as it sounds ... it works.
Really. It does. I would not lie to you. Intentionally.
No longer do I have to feel guilty for not accomplishing everything that I wanted to. Or constantly telling my self, over and over like a broken record scratched CD, that I will "get to that tomorrow". As long as I follow my schedule, and do what I should be doing during the time I alloted for it ... then I CAN have it all.
And it feels so good.
Take THAT, Tiger!