All people have weird things about them that not many people would know about, right?
Say yes.
Well, one of my most favorite things to eat is probably a little 'out there', but dang it, it's just so darned good.
To me.
The following is a photo of something I'd be elated to eat for dinner. Or lunch. Or even breakfast. And I do indulge myself.
Quite often.
Probably too often.
While I'd like to tell you that is a bowl of some sort of soup ... it is not.
It's gravy. Turkey gravy. Just straight up. With as many rolls that I can dip into it and consume before I feel like I will pop. Literally. I don't really have a name for this meal ... so I just call it ... HEAVEN.
Now ... I showed you mine, so you show me yours. What do you like to eat that most people might gag a little thinking about?
Or just tell me ... that will work too. I want you to make me feel a little less freakish ... if that's possible.